Get To Know Her

(I:PA*CE accelerates intimacy)

Rapidly develops deep understanding of women, and each individual woman so you know her inside and out. **9.

Imagine someone using the “one size fits all” approach with you. You probably wouldn’t like it. You wouldn’t feel like that person cared about you, understood you, or had your best interests in mind.

Well, this is what men do with women. They try to use the one size fits all method, whether it’s by using some complicated pickup artist technique or by doing stuff that their older brother taught them.

When you’re doing this, women can feel it.

The irony is you can get much further, far faster, by actually getting to know her and understanding her intimately.

Guys don’t do this because they don’t realize how efficient it is.

I’ve learned to do this quickly. I can talk to a girl for a few minutes and know her better than her best friends.

I:PA*CE can do this for you.

Imagine the difference between approaching a woman with some idea of what women like and trying to apply that to her, versus knowing specifically what she likes.

Knowing what drives her, what turns her on, what makes her tick.


Having that knowledge is powerful.

Think about how easy it’s going to be to talk to her, connect with her, and sleep with her.

I:PA*CE is simple and easy to remember because there are only five focalities. We can only usually retain roughly 7 things at any give time, so five is an ideal number.

I:PA*CE hasn’t changed at all over the years. Despite trying my attempts, there’s quite literally no room for improvment.


One of the best things about the five focalities is that you don’t have to memorize them. You’ll naturally find yourself doing them, and within a week or two you’ll find that they become second nature.


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