Have you ever heard a woman say that they like a man who knows what he wants?
This is really the foundation of confidence. It’s not expecting a good result and thinking you’re the man. It’s about knowing who you are what your rules for life are.
This indirectly gives her a guide as to how to act. You can talk about past girlfriends as long as you don’t go on and on with how in love you were with this girl and that you are still thinking about her.
Instead, you say it casually, that you used to date this girl. You dated for a while. You liked each other but there were some things that you had problems with. One thing you really liked about her was that she was always very nice, very nurturing. She had a very motherly thought, and she would cook, and give you massages that just made you feel that. You loved that, and it made you want to return the favor tenfold.
You are saying what you like, and you’re also implying that there’s going to be a big reward if she does that.
Likewise, you can talk about people you don’t like to the same effect.
One thing I can’t stand is when I’m having a conversation with someone and they’re just waiting for their turn to talk instead of actually listening to me. I found that, when I’m talking, I’m not really learning anything, but when other people talk and I listen, that’s when I learn things.
My best friends all really listen to each other and aren’t just sitting there waiting for what we’re going to say next. Telling her about my friends in this way. That’s precedence.
Appreciation is when you’re talking to a woman, and she does something you like, so you reward her and use it as a reason to escalate. This escalation can be touching her, it can be qualifying her by getting her phone number, or verbally just letting her know you like her, she seems really laid back or you really like her sense of humor.
You’re showing her what she’s doing is a good thing, and you reward it.
You don’t have to be terribly efficient, or word it perfectly. In fact, it’s better that you look like you’re guessing, or that you’re kind of pondering the possibility that she’s a different way, which is showing her appreciation potential.
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Eliminates anxiety – you have more fun and don’t have a panic attack. ** 9
-asking girl to prom, holloween store, chicago streets
I:PA*CE eliminates anxiety.
I:PA*CE leads to positive interactions. You have fun with people.
Think about times when you were talking with your best friend. You were just joking around having a great time.
You were doing I:PA*CE at that time but you didn’t even know it. That’s the interesting thing about I:PA*CE and that’s why it’s so easy to learn.
Keeps you in the zone with beautiful women. ***…”by keeping your mind “on track” 7
– I’m better with hot girls bc my passion isn’t a problem it helps now. Like nerves befroe a big game for a pro versus rookie
I:PA*CE keeps you the zone with beautiful women.
Most guys, when they see a woman they’re not attracted to, it’s not a big deal, they don’t get that nervous.
It’s with the woman that you really want that makes you nervous.
The problem is if you’re really nervous, you don’t have awareness. you miss opportunities because your mind has gone crazy.
You’re also not being your best self. You’re not relaxed and expressing yourself authentically with passion.
You’re going to be censored and worried about what you’re saying. And when you’re nervous, you come off weird.
Woman are very sensitive to this.
So even though she might think you’re a nice, good looking guy, if you’re coming off very nervous she’s going to be uncomfortable.
This is typically when women say: “Okay I have to get going.” or “I have to get back to my friends.” Or her and a friend have to make a random trip to the bathroom.
What if seeing a beautiful woman, instead of making you nervous, actually put you in the zone?
If you’ve ever experience being in the zone, it’s like you are relaxed but powerful.
Your mind is working perfectly, all cylinders are firing. You just felt like you could see things before they happened.
You were aware of the environment, you were aware of everyone around you.
So you had energy but you were calm, you were aware, you were in the moment.
Not only were you in the moment, you could almost anticipate what was going to happen next. Your focus was right there in the present and it stayed there for a long time.
And that’s when you perform at your best.
So what if seeing a beautiful woman actually triggered that in you instead of nervousness?
There’s no way to sugar coat it, you’ll always feel some degree of nerves because you want to make a good impression. It’s only natural, it’s not a bad thing, though.
You can get to the point where, sure you have a little nerves just like an elite athlete before the start of a big game.
Every elite athlete’s going be nervous. Even Michael Jordan has some nerves before a game, but he would use those nerves to enter the zone. That state of calm mental clarity once the game started.
And that’s something I experience, my guys experience. You see the woman, you feel a little nervous.
It’s not like before where you were terrified. You get a little flutter in your stomach – just a little bit. It doesn’t stop you.
You go up to the woman and you’re just operating at an elite level. You’re in the zone, once you get started.
That’s very different from what most guys experience with woman especially the women they really want.
I:PA*CE demotes anxiety and promotes your true authentic self.
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Women are an opportunity for you to have new experiences and to experience courage. They’re also a way to help you habitualize a helping mindset.
The goal is to learn about a woman rather than trying to figure women out. That’s why I say awareness is all about exploring rather than identifying specific unifying themes about women. Because every woman’s different.
Instead of bringing a one size fits all approach, you can actually achieve more in a shorter amount of time by having an explorative mindset.
There’s a great book by Michael Masterson called “Ready, Fire, Aim.”
The title says it all. You’re never going to be completely ready. You’re never going to be done, and I think that’s something that’s guys get caught up with. A good way to get around that is to not have your goals as concrete achievements.
While it’s good to set benchmarks: This year I want to make X amount of money or I want to buy myself this car. It’s more important to know you want to live your life based on your values.
The goal is not so much a concrete physical achievement or exact measurement of performance but how you feel about yourself. The goal is to feel like you are embodying the values that you want; that you think are the most important for you.
The true alpha male in a group is not thinking about whether or not he’s alpha. Maybe in the primate world they are, but not in humans. He’s thinking about who he wants to be and everything he does is trying to move closer in that direction or trying to embody what he feels are the most important values in his life.
It’s about appreciation – just exercising appreciation. This is a big thing in the gym. This is what holds guys back. They have this ideal self they want to look like and they’ve been going 2/3 months; they’ve been busting their ass and they’re still not there yet.
It starts to wear you down and you start to worry that it’s not ever going to happen. The biggest problem is consistency. It’s not necessarily how much weight you’re lifting or how many reps you can do. What’s more important is – are you showing up 3 times a week?
That’s always been my challenge: consistency. And what I found with the gym is that it’s not about me hitting some sort of benchmark; It’s just something I do every day because that’s who I am. And so even if I go in and have a weak day or even if I’m slacking when I go in there, I’m not really pushing myself – I’m showing up and putting in the time because physical health is part of my life, it’s a value I have.
So to do that, to embody that value, I need to just show up to the gym, because something’s better than nothing. Even if it’s a shit workout, i’m not avoiding it. I’m going in there and giving it a go.
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Most guys engage in approval seeking. They don’t really know what they stand for. They’re asking the woman what they should stand for. They’re trying to figure out what she wants and that’s weak.
Instead, know what you want, and see if she’s aligned with that.
I’ll say to women I meet, “I just don’t think that it’s worth the effort, being dishonest with people. Speak your mind, be yourself and if other people don’t like you, good. I want to find that out fast so I don’t have to waste my time developing a relationship or a friendship based on a false foundation. I don’t want to waste my time. I only want to be around people that I’d really click with, that I feel like we can really communicate with honestly. I think it’s important to be honest with people right off the bat.”
Then I’ll see what she says, and I’m taking the lead in terms of values.
That’s going to shape her.
I’ll also say things like, “It’s good to speak your mind and tell people what’s really bothering you or what you really want because people aren’t mind readers. Humans are so complex and the only way we have to understand each other is through language and by communicating.”
Being very communicative and saying what I’m thinking and feeling is a big deal, and this will shape her to adapt to that.
Also, now she knows that I am not a guy she can play manipulative games with, or sit there and refuse to tell me what’s wrong. She knows she can’t string me along and make me baby her and ask what’s wrong.
We’ve all heard about a really attractive woman who has a guy friend, or an older dude who’s been chasing her and buying her things, paying her phone bills, and just generally doting over her. She won’t just come out and tell him that it’s never going to happen; that he can continue to pay her phone bill if he wants, but she’s just not attracted to him. She doesn’t say that because she likes playing the games. She likes giving him the rewards and stringing the guy along.
To combat this I’ll let the girl know right away that she’s not going to do that with me. I don’t stand for that shit.
This may be a dramatic example, but it goes to show that you’ve got to know what you stand for. Be clear about it and let her know.
If you’re having trouble talking to girls, just talk about who you are. The whole point of it is for you guys to get to know each other and become close to each other physically and emotionally, and that requires that she gets to know you and you get to know her.
If you do this with a level of clarity about who you are and what you want, she is very likely to adapt and feel massively attracted to you.
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Is undetectable – infinite variation and contextual adaptation. ** 8 DONT HAVE TO HIDE WHAT YOU ARE LEARNING = 10 , “glass ceiling”
It’s undetectable.
A lot of times, when guys read lines or routines or seduction stuff (the pickup artist stuff). A big concern is that maybe this woman has heard this before. Some other guy was trying to do the Mystery Method with her.
Which is true. That happens. Especially in big cities. I’ve seen this play out in bars and clubs.
If you’re worried about a woman picking up on the fact that you’re running some pickup artist routine that’s a problem. That creates friction within yourself.
And that’s becoming more and more of a problem all over the world.
Guys are running these kinds of routines and game. You don’t want a women to think that you’re doing that.
Even if she hasn’t seen that routine before, if you’re thinking Oh, she might notice this routine. You’re going to come across weird.
I don’t use these lines, and it even happens for me sometimes. I’ll approach a woman and give her a compliment and she’ll say: “Oh, that’s a nice line.”
But it’s not necessarily a bad thing. The girl that I’m seeing now, one the first things she said to me was: “Oh, is that your best line?”
She did like me and she was just kind of teasing me and playing a little bit. But it just illustrates the point that women are on guard for lines.
That’s what they’re trying to figure out. Are you spitting lines? Are you trying to run game?
Guys are trying to run game. Women know this, and are actively scanning your behaviour to screen it out.
I:PA*CE is basically undetectable. It is a structure, it is a system that you can go out and start consciously using.
Initially, you will be thinking: “Okay I:PA*CE, P-A-C-E”. It becomes second nature. It’s very natural, very easy, and it sticks quickly.
Actually, it’s not even second nature, it’s first nature. I:PA*CE is your core nature. It is you at your best, being your true self.
What it becomes is like a troubleshooting tool after the fact.
You look back and say: “Oh man, she never texted me back”.
Or when I approached her she didn’t seem too responsive and you can use I:PA*CE to troubleshoot and say:
Personally, i’m aware I’ll end up talking about myself too much, so I’ll need to step back and think: I need more C in here, more curiosity in here.
It is a system that you will be consciously applying. It’s not something that the women will detect.
She won’t sense that you’re doing anything. It doesn’t look like anything. It’s 2 people who are friends having a fun easy conversation.
It doesn’t look like game. Because the one thing that she’s trying to find in you (deception) isn’t there.
There’s nothing to trigger her game alarm.
Anyone who sees you talking to a women, if they didn’t see you approach her they would assume you already knew each other.
I’ve had friends ask me on multiple occasions “How do you guys know each other?”
This is an interesting bonus actually. If she’s with another guy who’s interested in her.
If you approach and it’s very clear that didn’t know her before and you’re trying to pick her up. It makes it very easy for that guy to interrupt you and to step in and try to tool or distract you. Maybe he’ll try and ask you a bunch of questions so that you can’t talk to her properly.
All that stuff happened to me back in the day when I was trying to game girls.
Now that I use I:PA*CE, first of all, I’m so much more interesting and fun than any other guy in the room.
She’s already very motivated to talk to me instead of any guy that she came with or some other guy who’s trying to hit on her. Or even sometimes her boyfriend.
I never get into situations where I’m talking to a girl and she tells me she’s there with her boyfriend anymore. And unless he saw me approach her, he just thinks we’re friends, that we already knew each other.
This is just one of the many additional benefits of I:PA*CE. I haven’t created a conflict. This guy doesn’t want to beat me up.
In fact, I’ll just do I:PA*CE with him and he’ll like me. I’ve met women like this before. I just talked to him. And then at some point she’d walk to the bathroom and I’d catch her eye and she’d slip me her number while I’m at the bar, away from her bf.
So it just avoids all of that. It avoids the problem with going out and being a ‘pickup artist’.
Being a pickup artist is going to get you punched in the face. It’s going to get girls calling you out on running game and doing routines.
It’s going to prevent you from actually making real connections with people. It’s also going to prevent you from being able to sleep with women who have boyfriends, because number one, I:PA*CE makes you more interesting than her boyfriend.
But also it’s not an either or choice any more. I:PA*CE puts you in the sex guy role.
That’s how women think of about men – they put them in roles.
With I:PA*CE, you can naturally figure out what roles are available to you.
I:PA*CE is what you’re doing moment to moment.
It’s what you’re thinking about. Or really, it’s where you’re focusing your attention.
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I think of growth in terms of subtraction. Getting rid of layers. Getting rid of extra thoughts and extra stuff in your life. So growth kind of gives you the idea that you’re moving up and out and forward. But at the same time, you also want to think about subtracting stuff that doesn’t need to be there.
Subtracting stuff that’s really not you. Bullshit thoughts that you’ve internalized over time. Stuff you’re doing that isn’t necessary. There’s a lot of things, especially with women. Women are a great analogy for so many things in our lives because as a masculine life form, the universe is feminine in relation to you.
So everything in your life is, in a way, like a woman – and vice versa. I think a lot of guys do stuff that’s unnecessary. Not that it wouldn’t help, just that it’s unnecessary. For example, wearing cool clothes. That wouldn’t help. It’ll get you noticed but you gotta look at the cost-benefit.
How much of a payoff are these clothes getting you, really? Could you do the same thing in jeans and a t-shirt?
I want you to write a list of things that you think you need to do to get the woman you really want. Force yourself to write a lot on the list because all that stuff is real. All that stuff is in there. All that stuff is thoughts that you’re actually having.
Go and do it now, before you continue reading!
Go on!
Okay, now pick the top 2 or 3 things that are really gonna make the biggest difference for now. Really deeply analyze these grievances, and ask why? Why do you think you need these things? Write those answers down too. If they are sufficient, then that’s good, but chances are at least some of them are silly things to be worrying about.
Once you’ve identified the ones that are of actual importance, decide in your mind that you’re going to address these concerns of yours and do something positive to move towards these goals. Whether that’s adding or subtracting something, it doesn’t matter.
Over time, you can tweak the other stuff. That’s what I do now. I think a lot about physical fitness and my clothes because everything else is sorted out. I was able to get girls without having money. Without really having that great of a physique.
Now that I’ve been able to become really good with women without the extras, I can consider them more.
Once you put it on paper or become aware of it, you can start to notice those thoughts and just dismiss them. And gradually over time you will shed their negative impact from your life.
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A very common thing you will hear from women is that they’ve been hurt by someone in the past.
What you want to do in this situation is flip it. Who cares whether you trust me – the question is, do I trust you?
So, I’ll say, “Yeah, well, trust isn’t earned overnight. I’ve realized that, and I don’t try to make people trust me anymore. I focus on being a trustworthy person. I have no control over whether or not you trust me. All I can do is be my best to be a trustworthy person. Are you the same way?”
I put it on her to be a trustworthy person, and she answers that of course she thinks she’s a trustworthy person. I’ll say, “Yeah, that’s one of the reasons why I asked you out so quickly is just because I feel comfortable around you. And I feel like, for some reason, you’re a very honest person, and you’re trustworthy.”
Now the question is not whether you’re trustworthy. It’s whether or not she is. You’ve set the standards. You’ve told her, I see this in you. I see glimpses of trustworthiness in you. Keep it going. Don’t screw it up. It completely takes her focus off of questioning you, and it’s now about her maintaining your trust in her.
You can do this to help a girl feel comfortable.
If a girl is on the edge or feeling uncomfortable, it’s because she is focused on whether or not she can let go when she’s with you. She has this mentality that she’s a princess, she is the prize and it’s up to you to make her feel comfortable. We don’t like that. We want to flip that.
If the woman is having a hard time relaxing, I would simply tell her that she relaxes me.
I wouldn’t even bring up the fact that she seems nervous. I wouldn’t even mention that. I would say, “There’s something about you, I don’t know, maybe it’s just your attitude, but you seem like you’re an accepting person. I just feel like I can be myself around you. I feel really relaxed around you.”
This will make her relaxed, and it also says this guy feels like he can say anything around me, so it’s safe for me to follow suit and share my thoughts with him.
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( I was missing opps, girls would laugh then look at me like wtf, or eye code their friends, then get bored while I was chatting away. SHE WANTS TO INS! Stealing girls from Mystery Method guys in SD, SF, and London. Girls saying “stop trying so hard, don’t be corny, nice try”
Goes beyond rules and dogma/methodology. * following scripts & playing by the rules. hack the system, whether dating or the general world you choose to live in. if sub-bullet-pointed and BACKED UP by a little hint of HOW SS instills this in its listeners, this would be a 10
– Story
Everyone is following scripts, pretending it’s not a script. The only way to escape is to make YOUR OWN SCRIPT. I:PA*CE GETS YOU THERE.
(Show image of pua with equals sign of dweeb with flowers. Associate them both with attraction seduction game pickup. Hack the system.)
No need for phases or scripts or lines. No checklist, no hypnosis. You don’t “trick her into being turned on – know what she resonates with sexually, and BE SEXY. If RJ just got in shape, dressed like an adult and had actual hobbies and didn’t want to trick people, women would like him anyway. Same with Mystery Method.)
Phases aren’t real. That’s not how reality works. I’ve heard people talk about “The Attraction Phase”, then the “Comfort Phase/Rapport Phase.”
The attraction phase never starts or stops, it is always happening and evolving.
The same goes for Rapport. Rapport and attraction are intrinsically linked.
Phases are linear. This kind of chronological approach to interacting with women is okay if you’re an absolute beginner and need some training wheels, but it can only take you so far.
To get elite results; to be at that advanced level where you don’t have to think about things like these phases anymore? That’s where you want to be, and that’s where i’m going to take you.
You’re having the sex life that you want. You’re meeting the kind of women you want.
You don’t have to think about it or plan it out anymore. You can just focus on your career, your passion, and your hobbies. That’s what I want for you.
And until you’re getting those elite results, you’re not going to be satisfied.
Because you’re reading this I know that’s the kind of guy you are. You have high standards for yourself.
I want you to get elite results fast, and if you doing linear phases or chronological structure with women, you’re absolutely not going to be getting the results you want.
You’re going to be spending a lot of time and energy sticking to your script rather than improvising.
When you’re stuck in this linear process, you don’t have awareness of the person in front of you because you’re planning out what you’re going to say next.
You don’t have awareness of the woman. And just having an awareness of the woman will get you so far.
You’re also not aware of opportunities to escalate.
Back in Chicago, in the area I lived in there were a lot of alley’s small areas of refuge away from the busy streets. A lot of little semi-private nooks.
So I would go to bars and my whole focus was to take the girl out of the bar into like the alley or into a doorway or down some stairs nearby and have fun.
I would do this all the time. The reason I was able to do this was because I was looking for opportunities to do it.
I would get the vibe off the girl that if I took this her hand right now and said, “Let’s do something crazy.” and I pulled her out into the alley, she would be into it.
I had that awareness.
I constantly see other guys try and do these pickup methods where they’re chasing this structured interaction.
In their mind, they have to get through this phase and that phase before they can move on to the next. The whole time this guy is trying to get through all his steps, and I’m looking at the woman and she likes this guy!
She’s kinda confused as to why he’s talking so much or why he’s doing and saying all these strange things.
He could probably just get her number and leave or he could see if she wants to go home with him.
Or he could probably take her to a private place.
He’s trying to get through these steps when he doesn’t have to. He’s following a bad script.
Another reason I don’t believe in the linear structure is because I’ve found there are times when it is beneficial to tease a woman or flirt with her, purely based on her personality and what i’ve quickly learned about her.
And Women are all different. Some women need to feel comfortable and relaxed first and then you start to tease her and flirt with her and get her excited.
Now, if you’re stuck in your linear structure, you won’t be able to adapt to women who are like that.
In other words, there’s a lot of women you just won’t be able to connect with. So it limits you rather than creates options. I:PA*CE is a non-linear system.
Goes beyond dating – $, time, pressure/expectation/lying. * 10 Courting = time.
– Need content
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For people who have trouble procrastinating and people who are afraid of rejection, they’re going to end up spending a lot of time trying to read and understand everything before just going out and doing it because they don’t want to be seen as stupid or wrong.
Procrastination is all about trying to get it perfect. It’s like two sides of the same coin. Either being perfect or putting it off and procrastinating because it’s overwhelming.
What you think you have to do, the standards you think you have to meet are way beyond what you think you’re capable of right now. Or you think it’s just going to be too hard.
It’s going to be too hard to do this so you keep putting it off and putting it off.
I know about worrying about being good enough and isolating yourself. Having this constant nagging need to improve and get it right before you even do it once.
You have to change your attitude. Maybe I don’t have it right yet, I’m not perfect yet, I’m not a master yet but I still want to help. I still wanna do some sort of good. That can get you past that mental block.
When your intention is to help or to do some good or make someone feel good, that’s helping. I mean, appreciation, you approach one girl, tell her she’s beautiful, I consider that helping.
You really want to get your mind around the fact that when you fuck a woman, you’re actually making her feel good and that’s helping, right. When you’re helping, it’s like that bypasses the need to be perfect because the intention of doing good is more important. It’s like Christmas; it’s the thought that counts.
Your intention is more important and I think you can intuitively feel that.
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Women are very flexible and pliable in terms of their personalities. That’s not to say that a woman doesn’t have a real personality. We all have different sides of ourselves, and women are able to shift gears a lot more easily than guys are.
If you’ve ever been with a woman who is in a bad mood and, instead of talking to her about what’s putting her in that bad mood, you immediately bring up something funny, something positive that happened to you, you’ll see that it can affect her quite easily, and her mood will change to reflect yours. She’ll lose her previous train of thought.
As a man, you’re more constant, more consistent; your personality and your thoughts permeate through time. You use logic, which is basically a long term planning strategy, and logic overrides your short-term intelligence brain.
There are two sides in your mind. One deals with logic, long-term planning, and rewards, and in men, that seems to be more substantial than short-term intelligence.
The only reason all this stuff works, and why it’s actually necessary that you do it, is because women are looking to contribute, and to support, and help you.
Her strategy is based on being supportive or contributive. That means that she is ready to be able to shift gears to support and to help you. Basically, she can supplement whatever you are, or whatever you need.
As a man the person I am to my mom, to my friends, to girls that I’m dating, or to a stranger on the street is very consistent. But you will actually see women altering their personalities depending on who they are with.
That’s not to say they change who they are, but they will accentuate or diminish the character traits that they show to people.
A girl can be really rude to one person, maybe another girl that’s she’s jealous of, and then immediately switch gears and be really nice to another girl who she doesn’t feel threatened by.
A girl can be a really, really nice, a really sweet daddy’s girl to her dad and parents, and then the next second be really wild, and sexually promiscuous if she’s with a group of guys who are wild, bad boys.
What you have to understand is that you’re always shaping.
The nature of a male-female relationship is that the woman is always looking to you for guidance on how to act. Now, if you are looking to her guidance on how you should act, and she’s looking for guidance from you, you’ve got a big fucking mess just waiting to happen.
Your role is to be the leader, and her role is to adapt.
You’re explicitly shaping by telling her what you like about her, what you want in a woman, and you’re also implicitly shaping by telling her how important she is to you. In telling her these things you are shaping how she should treat you, and what kinds of behavior you expect.
Shaping really comes down to what you expect from others, and as a man, how you believe women should treat you.
If a girl gives me something that I don’t like, I will show her that through contrast.
If I approach a girl and she’s just cold and not really talking that much or seeming like she’s not all that interested, I’ll say, “It seems like you’re in a kind of serious mood right now.”
At that point, when you’re comfortable with people, you will be able to relax and be a silly dork. If she’s been really quiet. I’ll say, “You take a while to warm up to people you just met. But I bet you’re the kind of person that just has a lot to say about a lot of different things and sometimes you don’t know when it’s ok to really tell people how you feel and share your opinions.”
I already had in mind ahead of time what kind of behavior I want from women. If she showed it to me, I instantly capitalize on it, and I approve of it. If she shows me something else, I instantly know how to contrast that.
If women are having a hard time opening up or feeling comfortable, that’s about her emotions on the inside. It’s about how she feels. That’s not something that you can explicitly tell her to change right now. Instead, what you should do is tell her that she gives you that emotion. This is a really powerful way of making you the prize in the interaction.
Shaping isn’t about changing a woman’s personality. She already has a set, very deep, dynamic personality that was there before you came along. Within that personality, she has many sides, many different emotions, and many different character traits that she can show.
You want to encourage the side of her that you want her to show towards you. It doesn’t have to be super specific. In fact, if you were able to fully shape someone one hundred percent, it would be very boring. You’d have a lot of relationships with the same person over and over.
I like it when a woman is like no other girl I’ve ever met. I encourage that, and I like that. The uniqueness in itself is something I shape for. That’s something I want, and i’m sure it’s something you want too.
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